中国组织工程研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (25): 4027-4032.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2015.25.018

• 组织工程口腔材料 tissue-engineered oral materials • 上一篇    下一篇


张  丹1,任  玲2,杨  柯2,张  扬1,薛  楠1,郭  艳3   

  1. 1中国医科大学口腔医学院正畸教研室,辽宁省口腔医学研究所正畸研究室,辽宁省口腔疾病转化医学研究中心,辽宁省沈阳市  110002;
    2中国科学院金属研究所,辽宁省沈阳市  110016;
    3中国医科大学口腔医学院中心实验室,辽宁省沈阳市  110002
  • 出版日期:2015-06-18 发布日期:2015-06-18
  • 通讯作者: 张扬,教授,主任医师,中国医科大学口腔医学院正畸教研室,辽宁省口腔医学研究所正畸研究室,辽宁省口腔疾病转化医学研究中心,辽宁省沈阳市 110002
  • 作者简介:张丹,女,1979年生,辽宁省辽阳市人,汉族,2013年中国医科大学毕业,博士,副教授,副主任医师,长期从事口腔正畸临床、教学、科研工作。
  • 基金资助:


Antibacterial activity of Cu ions released from 316L-Cu antibacterial stainless steel

Zhang Dan1, Ren Ling2, Yang Ke2, Zhang Yang1, Xue Nan1, Guo Yan3   

  1. 1Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, China Medical University, Liaoning Institute of Dental Research, Shenyang 110002, Liaoning Province, China; 
    2Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, Liaoning Province, China; 
    3Central Laboratory, School of Stomatology, China Medical University, Shenyang 110002, Liaoning Province, China
  • Online:2015-06-18 Published:2015-06-18
  • Contact: Zhang Yang, Professor, Chief physician, Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, China Medical University, Liaoning Institute of Dental Research, Shenyang 110002, Liaoning Province, China
  • About author:Zhang Dan, M.D., Associate professor, Associate chief physician, Department of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, China Medical University, Liaoning Institute of Dental Research, Shenyang 110002, Liaoning Province, China
  • Supported by:

    the Science and Technology Plan of Liaoning Science and Technology Department, No. 2010225025; the Science and Technology Plan of Shenyang, No. F11-262-9-35


方法:以医用316L不锈钢为成分基础,添加3.5%-4.0%的Cu元素制成316L-Cu抗菌不锈钢。将其按       0.1 cm2/L表面积对容量比置于模拟体液中,在37 ℃震荡水浴中浸泡1-10 d。采用石墨炉原子吸光光度计每天测定浸提液中的铜离子含量。通过覆膜法抗菌实验及扫描电镜形态学观察评价316L-Cu抗菌不锈钢的杀菌性能。
结果与结论:316L-Cu抗菌不锈钢在模拟体液中浸泡1-10 d后的Cu离子溶出量远高于普通医用316 L不锈钢。随着作用时间的延长,316L-Cu抗菌不锈钢的杀菌率逐步提高,10 h时杀菌率已达100%。316L-Cu抗菌不锈钢作用3 h后牙龈卟啉单胞菌的菌体形态即出现明显的变化,6 h后菌体出现明显的裂解,9 h后材料表面绝大多数细菌即崩解为碎片。说明316L-Cu抗菌不锈钢能够有效地杀灭种植体周围炎的主要致病菌,同时能够缓慢释放Cu离子,改变种植体周围微环境,说明其为一种极具潜力的生物材料,具有良好的临床应用价值。

中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程

关键词: 生物材料, 口腔生物材料, 抗菌不锈钢, 牙龈卟啉单胞菌, 杀菌率, 微螺钉种植体, 种植体周围炎, 种植体支抗, 钛合金种植体, 不锈钢种植体


BACKGROUND: 316L-Cu antibacterial stainless steel is made by adding a certain amount of copper into the stainless steel followed by a special heat treatment to uniformly disperse copper-rich precipitates in stainless steel substrate, thereby harvesting the antibacterial properties.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the antibacterial activity of the Cu ions released from 316L type Cu-bearing antibacterial stainless steels against Porphyromonas gingivalis, thereby providing biomedical evidence for its clinical application.
METHODS: The medical 316L stainless steel samples at a surface area to volume ratio of 0.1 cm2/L were soaked in simulated body fluids at 37 ℃ for 1-10 days. A graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer was 
employed to detect the amount of Cu release in the simulated body fluids each day and then the rate of Cu release per day could be determined. The antibacterial activities of the steel samples were evaluated by a standard film-covered method under a scanning electron microscope.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The daily Cu releasing amount from the 316L-Cu stainless steel within 10 days was significantly higher than that of 316L stainless steel, and all the values remained nearly constant. With time, the sterilizing rate of 316L-Cu stainless steel was gradually increased, and reached 100% until the 10th hour. Porphyromonas gingivalis showed some morphological changes at 3 hours after treated with 316L-Cu stainless steel, appeared with cleavage at 6 hours, and mostly disintegrated into pieces at 9 hours. The results indicated that the 316L-Cu antibacterial stainless steel showed excellent antibacterial property against Porphyromonas gingivalis, slowly release Cu irons, and alter the surrounding microenvironment, which is a highly promising biomaterial and has good clinical value.

