中国组织工程研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (51): 9667-9670.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2011.51.040

• 生物材料学术探讨 biomaterial academic discussion • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 沈阳医学院沈洲医院心内科,辽宁省沈阳市  110002
  • 收稿日期:2011-10-10 修回日期:2011-11-07 出版日期:2011-12-17 发布日期:2011-12-17
  • 作者简介:徐海峰,男,1976年生,辽宁省辽中县人,汉族,2000年沈阳医学院毕业,主治医师,主要从事心血管疾病的介入治疗。

Biological coating materials of intravascular stent surface and intravascular restenosis

Xu Hai-feng   

  1. Department of Cardiology, Shenzhou Hospital Affiliated to Shenyang Medical College, Shenyang  110002, Liaoning Province, China
  • Received:2011-10-10 Revised:2011-11-07 Online:2011-12-17 Published:2011-12-17
  • About author:Xu Hai-feng, Attending physician, Department of Cardiology, Shenzhou Hospital Affiliated to Shenyang Medical College, Shenyang 110002, Liaoning Province, China


背景:心脏病是威胁人类健康的首要病因之一,现在全世界每年大约有1 500万例冠心病患者需要接受经皮穿刺冠状动脉(冠脉)成形治疗,但是大约10%发生急性或亚急性冠脉阻塞,6个月后再狭窄发生率高达20%~50%,再狭窄已成为制约经皮穿刺冠状动脉(冠脉)成形术发展的最主要因素。

关键词: 药物洗脱支架, 阻塞, 再狭窄, 冠状动脉疾病, 生物可吸收


BACKGROUND: Cardiopathy is one of the most important causes of disease which threaten human health. Every year, about  15 million patients with coronary heart disease around the world need percutaneous puncture coronary angioplasty therapy. But about 10% of them develop acute and subacute artery occlusion; 20% to 50% of them develop intravascular restenosis in six months. Restenosis has already become one of the most critical factors that restrict the development of percutaneous puncture coronary angioplasty.
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the long-term clinical effects of drug-eluting stent in stent restenosis.
METHODS: An online search of Chinese Journal Full-text Database was performed for articles with the key words of “drug-eluting stent”, “obstruction” and “restenosis”. Meta analysis and repetitive studies were excluded. A total of 25 articles were retained, involving the progress of stent placement, the prevention of stent stenosis and the effects of different stent types, materials on recanalizing rate and recanalizing time.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Using drug-loading technology and controlled drug release technology, the drug-eluting stent mechanically support the lesion vessels; in the mean time, drugs that inhibit the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells release slowly from the stent surface, act on the vascular walls touching the stent. Thereby, problems of elastic recoil and intima hyperplasia are solved. With the improvement and innovation of interventional equipments for coronary, drug-eluting stent technology is maturing and developing. The design concept of the emerging drug-eluting stent technology is based on drug screening and controlled drug release system. It is believed that drug-eluting stents will be used in a wide range of complex vascular lesions (especially venous diseases and vascular injuries) and other organ diseases.
