中国组织工程研究 ›› 2015, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (49): 8026-8031.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2015.49.027

• 运动医学动物模型 Animal models of sports medicine • 上一篇    下一篇


李 园1,刘文杰2,杨 宁1,闵 柱1   

  1. 1南京师范大学体育科学学院,江苏省南京市 210000;2成都体育学院研究生院,四川省成都市 610041
  • 出版日期:2015-11-30 发布日期:2015-11-30
  • 作者简介:李园,女,1986年生,汉族,南京师范大学体育科学学院在读硕士,主要从事运动训练研究。

Effects of proanthocyanidins on free radical metabolism and apoptosis-related protein expression in rat splenocytes after heavy-load exercise

Li Yuan1, Liu Wen-jie2, Yang Ning1, Min Zhu1   

  1. 1Sport Science College of Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210000, Jiangsu Province, China; 2Graduate School of Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China
  • Online:2015-11-30 Published:2015-11-30
  • About author:Li Yuan, Studying for master’s degree, Sport Science College of Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210000, Jiangsu Province, China


方法:将48只SD大鼠随机均分为安慰剂组和用药组,给药组灌胃给予原花青素水溶液15 mL/(kg•d),安慰剂组灌胃给予等量蒸馏水,连续给药2周。给药2周后,两组各均分为3个亚组,运动后即刻及运动后24 h组进行一次坡度为-10°、20 m/min的大负荷跑台运动,分别于运动后即刻、运动后24 h处死大鼠,安静组直接处死大鼠,检测脾细胞Bcl-2、Bax、Fas蛋白的表达,以及脾脏组织匀浆液超氧化物歧化酶、丙二醛水平。
结果与结论:①超氧化物歧化酶活性:两组组内比较,运动后24 h组<运动后即刻组<安静组;给药组运动后即刻、24 h的酶活性高于安慰剂组对应时相。②丙二醛水平:安慰剂组运动后即刻及24 h的水平均高于安静状态,给药组运动后即刻及24 h的含量均低于安静状态,给药组运动后即刻、24 h的丙二醛水平均低于安慰剂组对应时相(P < 0.01)。③Bcl-2:两组均于运动后即刻升高,于运动后24 h下降,并且给药组运动即刻及24 h的表达高于安慰剂组对应时相(P < 0.01)。④Bax:安慰剂组运动后即刻及24 h的表达高于安静状态(P < 0.01),给药组运动后即刻及24 h的表达低于安静状态(P < 0.01),并且给药组安静、运动后即刻及24 h的表达高于安慰剂组对应时相(P < 0.05,P < 0.01)。⑤Fas:两组组内比较,安静组<运动后24 h组<运动后即刻组;给药组运动即刻及24 h的表达低于安慰剂组对应时相(P < 0.01)。表明原花青素有助于减轻大负荷运动引起的脾脏脂质过氧化损伤,有效减缓自由基引起的运动性疲劳,有效降低脾细胞凋亡程度。 


关键词: 实验动物模型, 运动医学模型, 大负荷运动模型, 原花青素, 脾细胞凋亡, 脂质过氧化, 自由基


BACKGROUND: Studies have found that proanthocyanidins can inhibit cell apoptosis in cellular hypoxia and reoxygenation injury.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of proanthocyanidins on free radical metabolism and the expression of apoptosis related proteins Bcl-2, Fas, Bax in rat splenocytes after heavy-load exercise.
METHODS: Forty-eight Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly and evenly divided into placebo group and medication group. Rats in the medication group were intragastrically daily administered 15 mL/kg of proanthocyanidins solution. Rats in the placebo group were intragastrically administered equal amount of distilled water for 2 successive weeks. After 2 weeks of administration, rats in each group were evenly divided into three subgroups: static control group, immediately after exercise group, and 24 hours after exercise group. Rats in the 
immediately after exercise and 24 hours after exercise groups were subjected to heavy-load treadmill exercise at a
-10° gradient and at 20 m/min. The rats were sacrificed immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise. Rats in the static control group were directly sacrificed. Bcl-2, Bax, Fas protein expression in splenocytes, and superoxide dismutase activity and malondialdehyde level in homogenate from spleen tissue were detected.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Superoxide dismutase activity was highest in the static control group, followed by the immediately after exercise group and lowest in the 24 hour after exercise group. The superoxide dismutase activity in the immediately after exercise and 24 hours after exercise groups was greater than that in the placebo group at the corresponding time phrases. (2) In the placebo group, malondialdehyde level immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise was higher than that in the static state. In the medication group, malondialdehyde level immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise were lower than that in the static state (P < 0.01). Malondialdehyde level immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise in the medication group was lower than in the placebo group
(P < 0.01). (3) Bcl-2 expression was increased immediately after exercise and decreased at 24 hours after exercise in both placebo and medication groups. Bcl-2 expression immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise in the medication group was higher than in the placebo group (P < 0.01). (4) Bax expression immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise in the placebo group was higher than in the static state (P < 0.01). In the medication group, Bax expression immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise was lower than in the static state (P < 0.01). Bax expression in the static state, immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise in the medication group was higher than in the placebo group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). (5) Fas expression was lowest in the static control group, followed by 24 hours after exercise group and highest in the immediately after exercise group. Fas expression immediately after exercise and at 24 hours after exercise in the medication group was lower than in the placebo group (P < 0.01). These results demonstrate that proanthocyanidins is helpful to alleviate the heavy-load exercise-induced spleen lipid peroxidation damage, effectively reduce sports fatigue induced by free radicals, and decrease the degree of splenocyte apoptosis.
