中国组织工程研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (26): 4760-4763.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2010.26.003

• 数字化骨科 digital orthopedics • 上一篇    下一篇


彭雅滨,毛小林,王晓峰,杨术真,王  军,陈勃勃   

  1. 解放军第三医院神经外科,陕西省宝鸡市  721004
  • 出版日期:2010-06-25 发布日期:2010-06-25
  • 作者简介:彭雅滨,男,1976年生,2005年解放军第四军医大学毕业,硕士,主治医师,主要从事颅脑损伤及神经损伤后的康复治疗。

Application of digital three-dimensional reconstructed titanium mesh to cranioplasty of large skull defect

Peng Ya-bin, Mao Xiao-lin, Wang Xiao-feng, Yang Shu-zhen, Wang Jun, Chen Bo-bo   

  1. Department of Neurosurgery, Third Hospital of Chinese PLA, Baoji  721004, Shaanxi Province, China
  • Online:2010-06-25 Published:2010-06-25
  • About author:Peng Ya-bin, Master, Attending physician, Department of Neurosurgery, Third Hospital of Chinese PLA, Baoji 721004, Shaanxi Province, China


结果与结论:手工塑形组手术时间、手术并发症发生率及塑形满意度分别为108 min,22%,67%;数字化三维成形组分别为78 min,4%,100%。数字化三维成形组在手术时间及并发症发生率上明显低于手工塑形组,在塑形满意度则明显增高    (P < 0.05)。结果说明,数字化三维重建钛网修补颅骨缺损节约了手术时间、术后并发症少、患者满意度高。

关键词: 颅骨修补, 钛网, 三维重建, 塑形, 材料, 数字化神经科技术


BACKGROUND: Digital three-dimensional reconstructed titanium mesh can best achieve physiologic and anatomical molding during large defect of skull in the frontotemporal area.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the clinical effect of digital three-dimensional reconstructed titanium mesh and manual modeled titanium mesh for cranioplasty of defect of skull.
METHODS: A total of 109 patients with skull defect were randomly assigned to two groups according to different methods: 60 patients with large skull defect were repaired with manual shaped titanium mesh, and 49 patients with digital three-dimensional reconstructed titanium mesh. Titanium mesh was made into individual skull prosthetic replacement by computer three-dimensional reconstruction.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The operation time, the incidence rate of complication and the degree of moulding satisfaction were 108 minutes, 22% and 67% in the manual modeled group, which were 78 minutes, 4% and 100% in the digital three-dimensional reconstructed group respectively. In the digital three-dimensional reconstructed group, the operation time was shorter and the incidence rate of complication was fewer, while the degree of moulding satisfaction was significantly higher than the manual modeled group (P < 0.05). Results have shown that digital three-dimensional reconstructed titanium mesh can save surgical duration, with less postoperative complications and have high satisfaction in cranioplasty
