中国组织工程研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (25): 4032-4037.doi: 10.12307/2021.016

• 干细胞基础实验 basic experiments of stem cells • 上一篇    下一篇


李  莉1,2,卓  瑾1,2,郑  玲3,周  玲4,王启松1,2,罗  岚2,骆  凯2   

  1. 1福建省口腔疾病研究重点实验室,福建省口腔生物材料工程技术研究中心,福建省高校口腔医学重点实验室,福建省福州市  350002;2福建医科大学口腔医学研究院,福建医科大学口腔组织工程研究中心,福建医科大学附属口腔医院,福建省福州市  350002;3福建武警总队医院,福建省福州市  350003;4福建省级机关医院,福建省福州市  350003
  • 收稿日期:2020-07-13 修回日期:2020-07-13 接受日期:2020-08-22 出版日期:2021-09-08 发布日期:2021-03-27
  • 通讯作者: 罗岚,硕士,医师,福建医科大学口腔医学研究院,福建医科大学口腔组织工程研究中心,福建医科大学附属口腔医院,福建省福州市 350002
  • 作者简介:李莉,女,1994年生,福建省尤溪县人,汉族,博士研究生,主要从事牙周病方面的研究。
  • 基金资助:

Effects of different induced polarization methods on the proliferation, apoptosis and phagocytosis of rat bone marrow-derived macrophages

Li Li1, 2, Zhuo Jin1, 2, Zheng Ling3, Zhou Ling4, Wang Qisong1, 2, Luo Lan2, Luo Kai2   

  1. 1Fujian Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & Fujian Provincial Engineering Research Center of Oral Biomaterial & Stomatological Key Laboratory of Fujian College and University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian Province, China; 2Institute of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University & Center of Oral Tissue Engineering, Fujian Medical University & Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian Province, China;
  • Received:2020-07-13 Revised:2020-07-13 Accepted:2020-08-22 Online:2021-09-08 Published:2021-03-27
  • Contact: Luo Lan, Master, Physician, Institute of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University & Center of Oral Tissue Engineering, Fujian Medical University & Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian Province, China
  • About author:Li Li, Doctoral candidate, Fujian Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & Fujian Provincial Engineering Research Center of Oral Biomaterial & Stomatological Key Laboratory of Fujian College and University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian Province, China; Institute of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University & Center of Oral Tissue Engineering, Fujian Medical University & Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian Province, China
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 81870766 (to LK); the Science and Technology Innovation Joint Fund Project of Fujian Province, No. 2016Y9023 (to LK); the Youth Scientific Research Project of Fujian Health and Family Planning Commission, No. 2016-1-72 (to LL) 



方法:通过原代细胞形态学观察、瑞氏染色和流式细胞术对体外分离培养的大鼠骨髓来源巨噬细胞进行鉴定。经γ-干扰素和脂多糖、白细胞介素4分别诱导激活24 h,倒置显微镜观察细胞形态,Real time-PCR检测细胞表面标记物Nos2和Arg1的表达,CCK-8法检测细胞增殖能力,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡水平,中性红染色鉴定细胞吞噬功能。


关键词: 骨髓, 巨噬细胞, 1型巨噬细胞, 2型巨噬细胞, 极化, γ-干扰素, 脂多糖, 白细胞介素4 

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Classically activated and alternative activated macrophages have different phenotypes and functions, and there are few studies to explore the effect of different induction methods on the biological functions of bone marrow-derived macrophages. 
OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of different induced polarization ways on biological behaviors of bone marrow-derived macrophages from rats.
METHODS:  Rat bone marrow-derived macrophages were isolated and cultured in vitro, and identified by morphological observation, Wright Giemsa staining and flow cytometry. After being induced and activated by interferon-γ, lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-4 for 24 hours, the morphology of bone marrow-derived macrophages was observed by inverted microscope. The expression levels of cell surface markers Nos2 and Arg1 were detected by real time-PCR. CCK8 assay was performed to determine the proliferation ability of bone marrow-derived macrophages. Flow cytometry was performed to detect the apoptosis, and neutral red staining was performed to identify the phagocytic function of bone marrow-derived macrophages.    
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Bone marrow-derived macrophages that stimulated by interferon-γ and lipopolysaccharide were highly expressing the cell surface marker Nos2 of M1, and apoptosis of bone marrow-derived macrophages can be slightly promoted as well as the phagocytic function of bone marrow-derived macrophages is reduced; while bone marrow-derived macrophages stimulated by interleukin-4 are highly expressing the cell surface marker Arg1 of M2. Cell proliferation and phagocytosis of bone marrow-derived macrophages are promoted, and apoptosis of bone marrow-derived macrophages is inhibited. The results confirm that the biological behavior of bone marrow-derived macrophages can be affected by different methods of induced polarization.

Key words: bone marrow, macrophages, type 1 macrophages, type 2 macrophages, polarization, γ-interferon, lipopolysaccharide, interleukin-4
