中国组织工程研究 ›› 2017, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (22): 3488-3493.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2017.22.008

• 纳米生物材料 nanobiomaterials • 上一篇    下一篇


黄文良1,叶  鹏2,莫  刚1,田仁元1,马立坤3,阮世强1,徐  林1,邓  江1

  1. 1遵义医学院第三附属医院,贵州省遵义市  563002;2遵义医学院第一附属医院,贵州省遵义市  563000;3湖南省洞口县人民医院,湖南省邵阳市  422300
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-24 出版日期:2017-08-08 发布日期:2017-09-01
  • 通讯作者: 邓江,主任医师,教授,硕士生导师,遵义医学院第三附属医院,贵州省遵义市 563002
  • 作者简介:黄文良,男,1981年生,广西壮族自治区南宁市人,硕士,主治医师,主要从事四肢与关节研究工作。
  • 基金资助:

    遵义市科技创新团队项目(遵市科合社字[2012]16号);贵州省科技攻关发展项目(黔科合SY字[2013] 3017);贵州省自然科学技术重点基金(黔科合基础[2016]1420号);国家自然科学基金(81660367)

Preparation of silk fibroin/chitosan/nano-hydroxyapatite scaffold for sustained release of bone morphogenetic protein-2

Huang Wen-liang1, Ye Peng2, Mo Gang1, Tian Ren-yuan1, Ma Li-kun3, Ruan Shi-qiang1, Xu Lin1, Deng Jiang1

  1. 1Third Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563003, Guizhou Province, China; 2First Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563000, Guizhou Province, China; 3People’s Hospital of Dongkou Country, Shaoyang 422300, Hunan Province, China
  • Received:2017-05-24 Online:2017-08-08 Published:2017-09-01
  • Contact: Deng Jiang, Chief physician, Professor, Master’s supervisor, Third Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563003, Guizhou Province, China
  • About author:Huang Wen-liang, Master, Attending physician, Third Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563003, Guizhou Province, China
  • Supported by:
    the Scientific Innovation Team Project of Zunyi City, No. [2012]16; the Scientific and Technological Research and Development Project of Guizhou Province, No. [2013]3017; the Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou Province, No. [2016]1420; the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 81660367




结果与结论:①两组支架为不规则多孔结构,孔间相通,孔壁凹凸不平,两组支架平均孔径、孔隙率及最大抗压强度比较差异无显著性意义;②实验组第1天的骨形态发生蛋白2释放量为4.63%,释放曲线缓慢上升,第28天之后释放曲线转入平台期;对照组第1天的骨形态发生蛋白2释放量高达58.84%,呈显著的初始爆发释放,并迅速上升,在第10天之后释放曲线转入平台期。两组第1,2,4,10天的骨形态发生蛋白2释放量比较差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);③结果表明,缓释骨形态发生蛋白2的丝素蛋白/壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石生物支架可持续缓慢释放骨形态发生蛋白2。

关键词: 生物材料, 缓释材料, 骨形态发生蛋白2, 丝素蛋白, 壳聚糖, 纳米羟基磷灰石, 药物缓释, 生物支架, 骨诱导, 骨组织工程, 国家自然科学基金


BACKGROUND: Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) is a key to bone formation and repair. However, it has some disadvantages such as easy to lose and degrade and difficult to sustain continuous effect.
OBJECTIVE: To study the preparation and properties of silk fibroin/chitosan/nano-hydroxyapatite (SF/CS/nHA) scaffold loading BMP-2.
METHODS: After silk degumming, dissolution and purification, 2% SF solution was obtained. BMP-2 was dissolved in 2% CS solution, and then fully mixed with equal volume of SF solution and proper amount of nHA. At last, the SF/CS/nHA scaffold loading BMP-2 was prepared using freeze-drying method as experimental group. The SF/CS/nHA scaffold was soaked in the BMP-2 solution as control group. The scaffold porosity was measured by Archimedes method, the surface morphology of the scaffold was observed by scanning electron microscope, the compressive strength was measured by universal testing machine. Scaffolds in the two groups were soaked in PBS, and the release of BMP-2 was measured by ELISA method at different time points.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) The scaffolds in the two groups had irregular porous structure, interconnected pores and uneven pore wall. There was no significant difference between the two groups in mean pore diameter, porosity and maximum compressive strength. (2) On the 1st day, the release rate of BMP-2 was 4.63% in the experimental group, and the release curve increased slowly. After 28 days, the release curve of BMP-2 was transferred to the plateau stage. But in the control group, the release rate of BMP-2 on the 1st day was 58.84%, and it was a significant initial burst release. The release curve increased rapidly, and was transferred to the platform stage on the 10th day. The release rate of BMP-2 release was significantly different between the two groups at days 1, 2, 4, 10 (P < 0.05). These results show that the SF/CS/nHA scaffold loading BMP-2 could sustainably and slowly release BMP-2.

Key words: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, Silk Fibroin, Chitosan, Tissue Engineering
