中国组织工程研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (13): 2362-2365.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2011.13.020

• 数字化骨科 digital orthopedics • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 邯郸市中心医院,1口腔科,2放射科,河北省邯郸市  056001;3河北工程大学附属医院,河北省邯郸市 056001;4邯郸市第四医院,河北省邯郸市  056200
  • 收稿日期:2010-12-24 修回日期:2011-02-10 出版日期:2011-03-26 发布日期:2013-10-23
  • 作者简介:陈京奕★,女,1972年生,河北省任县人,汉族, 2007年河北医科大学毕业,硕士,副主任医师,主要从事口腔正畸及修复研究。

Selection and application of multi-slice CT 3D reconstruction techniques in assisting mini-implant ahchorage implant surgery

Chen Jing-yi1, Wu Xiao-wei2, Zhang Hong-gang3, Jiao Jian-jun1, Zhang Xue-qiang1, Yao Chuan-chen4   

  1. 1Department of Stomatology, 2Department of Radiology, Handan Central Hospital, Handan  056001, Hebei Province, China; 3Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University of Engineering, Handan  056001, Hebei Province, China; 4Handan Fourth Hospital, Handan  056200, Hebei Province, China
  • Received:2010-12-24 Revised:2011-02-10 Online:2011-03-26 Published:2013-10-23
  • About author:Chen Jing-yi★, Master, Associate chief physician, Department of Stomatology, Handan Central Hospital, Handan 056001, Hebei Province, China


结果与结论:32枚微螺钉种植情况满意,无伤及邻近牙根及周围重要组织结构的情况。种植前设计与种植后多层螺旋CT测量角度比较,以及种植后多层螺旋CT测量与实物测量角度比较,在轴位面及侧断面上其差异均无显著性意义(P > 0.05),且一致性极好。说明多层螺旋CT能够提供精确而丰富的影像信息,恰当选择合理应用能充分实现微螺钉种植影像学检查目的,从而为提高种植的成功率提供可靠保障。

关键词: 种植体支抗, 微螺钉, 多层螺旋CT, 图像处理, 三维重建成像, 计算机辅助, 数字化口腔科技术


BACKGROUND: The key method to improve the stability of miniscrew orthodontic anchorage system is accurate preoperative bone mass evaluation in the implant region. Routine 2D image examinations such as periapical radiography and panoramic tomography and lateral cephalometric radiography have limitations.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the traits and advantages of various multi-slice CT (MSCT) reconstruction images in assisting miniscrew anchorage surgery to improve the stability of miniscrew.
METHODS: Preplant MSCT scanning and various images reconstruction were made and helped to exam the peri-implant bone mass and density and the anatomical relation to important structures comprehensively. According the implant anchorage angles in MSCT images accurately designed by computer, the tunnel-type surgical template was made to assist 32 miniscrews implant surgery. Then the skulls of two pigs were rescanned by MSCT. After dissected the pig alveolar process, the MSCT preoperative designed angles, the MSCT postoperative measured angles and the measured angles of anatomic bone samples were analyzed statistically.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The 32 miniscrews were implanted successfully. They did not damage dental roots or surrounding important structures. Compared MSCT preoperative designed angles with MSCT postoperative measured angles and anatomic bone samples measured angles, there were no significant differences in axial sections or cross-sections (P > 0.05), and the r concordance correlations were very good. Results show that MSCT can provide accurate and abundant image information. Exact selection and application can help to fully attain the objects of imaging examination on miniscrew anchorage surgery, thus improving the success rate of miniscrews.
