
• 口腔组织构建 oral tissue construction • 上一篇    下一篇


顾月光,张来健,秦 晗,徐宏志,李阳飞   

  1. 连云港市第一人民医院口腔分院,江苏省连云港市 222002
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-04 出版日期:2016-01-08 发布日期:2016-01-08
  • 作者简介:顾月光,女,1985年生,江苏省连云港市人,汉族,2012年南京医科大学毕业,硕士,医师,主要从事口腔正畸领域的研究。
  • 基金资助:

Osteogenesis of alveolar bone graft: evaluation by cone beam CT

Gu Yue-guang, Zhang Lai-jian, Qin Han, Xu Hong-zhi, Li Yang-fei   

  1. Stomatology Branch, First People’s Hospital of Lianyungang, Lianyungang 222002, Jiangsu Province, China
  • Received:2015-12-04 Online:2016-01-08 Published:2016-01-08
  • About author:Gu Yue-guang, Master, Physician, Stomatology Branch, First People’s Hospital of Lianyungang, Lianyungang 222002, Jiangsu Province, China
  • Supported by:

    Research Foundation of Science and Technology Bureau of Lianyungang City, No. SH1332




锥形束CT:与传统CT相比,锥形束CT具有:①射线量极低。相比传统的多排螺旋CT,锥形束CT一次投照的剂量与投照的视窗大小有关,一般相当于传统CT的1/60-1/100放射量,仅相当于1张口腔全景片的放射量。②牙齿、颌骨成像更加清晰。锥形束CT对于牙齿或者颌骨等硬组织结构成像质量更好,层厚仅0.1 mm,甚至能显示牙根细小的裂缝,更适合口腔科的治疗,能更加清楚的显示牙齿根管数目形态,能发现变异细小根管、早期根尖炎症和牙根折裂等传统检查无法确定的病变。锥形束CT可以准确检测牙槽骨吸收的量,这样可以在无创的条件下评估牙周病的严重程度。③使用操作简单。口腔科医师完全可以按自己的意愿随意获取自己想要的牙齿或者颌骨影像,自制三维重建成像,无需CT技术人员进一步操作,既节省了人力物力,又可以避免医技沟通不便而带来的误差。



方法:随机抽取25例单侧完全性牙槽嵴裂的患者,进行牙槽嵴裂髂骨移植, 6个月后采用锥形束CT进行观察。
结果与结论:牙槽嵴裂骨移植后,唇侧牙槽骨保存量较腭侧高;另外中切牙裂隙侧与正常侧的牙槽骨厚度差异有显著性意义,而尖牙缺隙侧与正常侧牙槽骨厚度在距离牙槽嵴顶0 mm处的牙槽骨厚度处差异有显著性意义,其余部位差异无显著性意义。说明牙槽嵴裂骨移植时腭侧支持骨少于唇侧,缺隙侧中切牙的支持骨也不理想,从而为牙槽骨移植和正畸治疗牙齿移动提供依据。 
ORCID: 0000-0002-5955-3545(顾月光)

关键词: 组织构建, 组织工程, 牙槽嵴裂, 口腔, 植骨, 锥形束CT, 骨吸收, 骨形成, 唇腭裂, 髂骨, 正畸


BACKGROUND: In alveolar cleft patients, the amount of bone stock after alveolar bone grafting is mostly measured and analyzed by two-dimensional imaging, which can result in a large error.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the 6-month osteogenesis of alveolar bone graft in alveolar cleft patients using cone beam CT.
METHODS: Alveolar bone grafting was performed in 25 patients with unilateral complete alveolar cleft. The patients were followed up for 6 months after surgery and the osteogenesis of the bone graft was evaluated by CBCT.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: After the surgery, the labial bone support was better than the palatal one. There were significant differences in the alveolar bone thickness of the cleft region and the normal region of the central incisor as well as the alveolar bone thickness of the cleft region and the normal region of the canine tooth 0 mm distant to the alveolar crest. These findings indicate that the palatal bone support is less than the labial one, and the bone support of the central incisor is not satisfactory, which provide the basis for the tooth movement in the alveolar bone grafting and the orthodontics treatment.