Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research ›› 2024, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 833-839.doi: 10.12307/2023.779
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Zhang Rui1, 2, Wang Kun1, 2, Shen Zicong1, Mao Lu1, 2, Wu Xiaotao1, 2
Wu Xiaotao, MD, Professor, Chief physician, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China; Department of Orthopedics, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China
Mao Lu, MD, Associate chief physician, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China; Department of Orthopedics, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China
About author:
Zhang Rui, Master candidate, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China; Department of Orthopedics, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China
Wang Kun, MD, Attending physician, School of Medicine, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China; Department of Orthopedics, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, Jiangsu Province, China
CLC Number:
Zhang Rui, Wang Kun, Shen Zicong, Mao Lu, Wu Xiaotao. Effects of endoscopic foraminoplasty and laminoplasty on biomechanical properties of intervertebral disc and isthmus[J]. Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research, 2024, 28(6): 833-839.
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2.2 各组模型手术节段(L5/S1)和整体脊柱模型关节活动度值比较 在400 N垂直向下力和8 N?m力矩载荷下,由表3和图5可观察到,在手术节段(L5/S1)关节处,椎间孔一级成形模型M1在前屈、后伸、左侧弯、右侧弯、左扭转和右扭转工况下的L5/S1段关节活动度均值较模型M0分别增加了0.76%,-1.39%,2.41%,3.80%,-0.08%,0.36%;椎间孔二级成形模型M2在前屈、后伸、左侧弯、右侧弯、左扭转和右扭转工况下的L5/S1段关节活动度均值较模型M0分别增加了3.63%,-0.76%,3.61%,0.90%,2.62%,1.73%,椎板间成形模型M3在前屈、后伸、左侧弯、右侧弯、左扭转和右扭转工况下较模型M0分别增加4.84%,1.44%,1.86%,8.23%,0.64%,8.26%。"
一级椎间孔成形术对脊柱手术节段和整体脊柱的活动度变化影响较小,活动度变化百分比均低于5%;二级椎间孔成形在手术节段活动度变化不明显,整体活动度在前屈时轻度增加;椎板间成形术的手术节段右侧弯和右扭转的活动度轻度增加,整体模型关节活动度在前屈和右侧弯时轻度增加,整体腰骶模型及各节段之间维持稳定状态。 2.3 各组模型手术节段(L5/S1)椎间盘和相邻节段(L4/5)椎间盘Von Mises 应力极值比较 由表5和图7可见,在手术节段(L5/S1),椎间孔一、二级成形模型M1和M2中椎间盘Von Mises 应力极值在前屈、后伸、左侧弯、右侧弯、左扭转和右扭转时分别较M0模型增加1.88%,6.06%,1.07%,3.14%,4.57%,3.13%和11.06%,12.50%,2.84%,5.50%,18.32%,15.48%;椎板间成形模型M3在前屈、后伸、左侧弯、右侧弯、左扭转和右扭转时分别较M0模型增加12.22%,19.54%,5.75%,7.34%,10.05%,9.97%。"
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