中国组织工程研究 ›› 2010, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (7): 1191-1195.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2010.07.012

• 组织构建与生物力学 tissue construction and biomechanics • 上一篇    下一篇


王翠霞,周  凯   

  1. 泰州市体育学校,江苏省泰州市 225400
  • 出版日期:2010-02-12 发布日期:2010-02-12
  • 作者简介:王翠霞★,女,1983年生,江苏省泰州市人,汉族,2008年苏州大学毕业,硕士,主要从事体育保健与康复方面的研究。

Changes of flexor-extensor strength during trunk isokinetic exercise: Angle ranges easily lead to spinal injury

Wang Cui-xia, Zhou Kai   

  1. Taizhou Sports School, Taizhou  225400, Jiangsu Province, China
  • Online:2010-02-12 Published:2010-02-12
  • About author:Wang Cui-xia★, Master, Taizhou Sports School, Taizhou 225400, Jiangsu Province, China


方法:苏州大学2005/2007级研究生,健康男性14名,自愿参加测试。选用瑞士产CON-TREX人体肌力评估和训练系统,测量受试者等速向心运动时的屈伸肌肌力及脊柱角度。测试速度分别为30,60,90,120,180 (°)/s,每种速度下,受试者尽自己最大力量屈伸躯干4次,组间休息5 min。主要观察:①受试者躯干运动的关节活动范围。②等速向心运动屈伸峰值力矩、屈伸肌峰值力矩比及到达峰值力矩的平均角度的变化。③等速向心运动屈伸肌总功、平均功率。
结果与结论: ①等速向心运动时,伸肌的峰值力矩值随角速度的增加而减少(P < 0.05),屈肌峰值力矩值未见规律性的变化;屈、伸肌的峰值力矩比随角速度的加快而增大,但差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05)。②慢速等速向心运动时,不同角速度下屈、伸肌到达峰值力矩角度分布离散,30 (°)/s时为-48.56°,90 (°)/s时为-46.18°;快速运动时,屈、伸肌出现最大峰值力矩角度基本接近,120 (°)/s时分别为-48.71°,-51.61°,180 (°)/s分别-54.86,-53.11°。③等速向心运动时,在不同角速度下,屈、伸肌的总功均随角速度的增加而减少,伸肌总功大于屈肌,伸肌总功的变化差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);屈、伸肌的平均功率随角速度的增加呈线性上升,屈肌平均功率始终小于伸肌(P < 0.01)。结果提示:①等速向心运动时,躯干屈伸肌群的肌力随角速度的增加而减小,躯干在慢速屈伸运动时稳定性较好。②快速等速向心运动时,突受外力打击后容易引起肌肉损伤和脊柱不稳。③等速运动时屈伸肌做功随运动速度下降而降低,但肌肉的爆发力随运动速度的增快而加大。

关键词: 等速向心运动, 躯干, 峰值力矩, 屈伸肌峰值力矩比, 到达峰值力矩的角度


BACKGROUND: Studies concerning trunk muscles mainly focus on muscle strength changes in patients with low back pain, which is rare regarding angle ranges that easily lead to spinal injury.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the mechanics characteristic of flexor-extensor and angle ranges easily lead to spinal injury.
METHODS: Fourteen healthy, male, post-graduates of Soochow University were selected. Flexor-extensor strength and spinal angle of participants were measured using CON-TREX isokinetic testing system. All participants took isokinetic centrifugal exercise maximally at the speeds of 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 (°)/s, respectively, with a 5 minutes interval. Main outcome measures: ①Lumbar range of motion; ②Peak torque, flexor/extensor, the angle at peak torque at isokinetic centripetal exercise; ③Average power and total work at isokinetic centripetal exercise.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:  ①During isokinetic centripetal exercise, the peak torque of extensor were decreased as the geniovelocity increased (P < 0.05), however, no inerratic changes could be found in flexor peak torque. Though the flexor/extensor was increased with geniovelocity increased, the difference had no significance (P > 0.05). ②During slow isokinetic centripetal exercise underwent different geniovelocity, the angle at peak torque of flexor and extensor distributed discretely, -48.56° at 30 (°)/s; -46.18° at 90 (°)/s; when underwent fast isokinetic exercise, the angles at peak torque of flexor and extensor were very close, which were -48.71° and -51.61° at 120 (°)/s, and -54.86° and -53.11° at 180 (°)/s. ③During isokinetic centripetal exercise, when underwent different geniovelocity, total work of flexor and extensor was reduced with geniovelocity expedited, extensor total work was more than that of flexor (P < 0.05); the average power of flexor and extensor was increased linearly with geniovelocity expedited, and the average power of flexor was less than that of extensor all along (P < 0.01). During isokinetic centripetal exercise, trunk muscle strength descended with the geniovelocity expedited, and the stability of trunk is preferable in slow exercise. During fast isokinetic centripetal exercise, angles at flexor and extensor peak torque are more discrete, which easily result in muscle damages and spine unstable when suffered a suddenly outside attack. Total work of flexor and extensor are descended with the geniovelocity expediting during isokinetic exercise, but the intramuscular eruption increased.
