中国组织工程研究 ›› 2011, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (20): 3778-3780.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2011.20.041

• 组织构建循证医学 evidence-based medicine in tissue construction • 上一篇    下一篇


马占宏,马  强,吴小刚   

  1. 甘肃省康县第一人民医院骨科,甘肃省陇南市  746500
  • 收稿日期:2010-11-30 修回日期:2011-03-27 出版日期:2011-05-14 发布日期:2011-05-14
  • 通讯作者: 吴小刚,主治医师,甘肃省康县第一人民医院骨科,甘肃省陇南市 746500
  • 作者简介:马占宏,男,1954年生,甘肃省康县人,回族,主治医师,主要从事创伤骨科的研究。

Meta analysis of exercise for treating osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

Ma Zhan-hong, Ma Qiang, Wu Xiao-gang   

  1. Department of Orthopedics, First People’s Hospital of Kangxian County, Longnan  746500, Gansu Province, China
  • Received:2010-11-30 Revised:2011-03-27 Online:2011-05-14 Published:2011-05-14
  • Contact: Wu Xiao-gang, Attending physician, Department of Orthopedics, First People’s Hospital of Kangxian County, Longnan 746500, Gansu Province, China wuxiaogangmzh@
  • About author:Ma Zhan-hong, Attending physician, Department of Orthopedics, First People’s Hospital of Kangxian County, Longnan 746500, Gansu Province, China


方法:计算机检索PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,CBM,CNKI,VIP数据库关于运动疗法治疗绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的随机对照试验。纳入健康的绝经后妇女,种族、国籍、地域不限,年龄在50~70岁之间。排除合并有基础疾病的患者。采用Cochrane协作组提供的Revman 5.0软件进行统计分析。临床评价指标包括骨矿物质密度和骨折发生率。
结果与结论:共纳入9篇随机对照试验,Meta分析结果显示:与常规治疗比较,运动疗法联合常规治疗可明显提高绝经后妇女骨矿物质密度[WMD=0.96,95%CI (0.47,1.44),P < 0.05],但对其骨折发生率影响不明显(P > 0.05)。提示运动疗法可以增加绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的骨矿物质密度,但并不能减低骨折的发生率。

关键词: 运动, 绝经后妇女, 骨质疏松症, 骨矿物质密度, 骨折发生率, 荟萃分析


BACKGROUND: The value of exercise as an intervention for the prevention of postmenopausal bone loss is a controversial subject.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of exercise in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.
METHODS: We searched PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, Chinese biomedical literature database, CNKI, VIP database. Randomized controlled clinical trialsof exercise in healthy postmenopausal women were considered. Healthy postmenopausal women aged between 50-70 years were included, regardless of race, nationality, and region. Articles about patients that had severe diseases were excluded. Review Manager 5.0 published by Cochrane Collaboration was used for statistical analysis. Bone mineral density and the incidence of fracture were evaluated.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Nine randomized controlled trials were included. The result of meta analysis showed that there was significant difference in bone mineral density [WMD=0.96, 95%CI (0.47, 1.44)]. These indicated that exercise is effective in increasing the bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, there has been no apparent effect seen on fractures, and the results still need to be confirmed by high quality , large sample size randomized controlled trials.
