Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research ›› 2011, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (32): 6068-6071.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2011.32.041

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In vitro induction and differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells

Ren Yi-zhong, Han Chang-xu   

  1. Department of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine, the Second Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College, Hohhot  010030, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
  • Received:2011-02-18 Revised:2011-03-13 Online:2011-08-06 Published:2011-08-06
  • About author:Ren Yi-zhong★, Master, Associate professor, Department of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine, the Second Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College, Hohhot 010030, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
  • Supported by:

    the Natural Science Foundation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, No. 2010MS1109*


BACKGROUND: For the past few years, the application of adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) as seeded cells of tissue engineering is an active field in medications and ADSCs could differentiate into many tissues in vitro.
OBJECTIVE: To summarize the situation and progression about ADSCs induced in vitro at home and abroad.
METHODS: Databases of CNKI and PubMed (2000-01/2010-10) were selected to search the related articles about ADSCs using the keywords of “adipose-derived stem cells, cell differentiation in vitro, seeded cell, gene transfaction” in Chinese and English. There were 112 articles after the initial survey. Then 28 articles related to sustained-release antimicrobials were involved.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: ADSCs have extensive self-renewal capacity and the ability to differentiate along multiple lineages. With the multilineage differentiation potential, ADSCs can differentiate not only into such mesenchymal lineages as adipogenesis, chondrogenesis, osteogenesis, myogenesis, but also into neurogenesis of origin ectoderm. In addition, ADSCs have high infected efficiency by oncoretroviral vectors and have the ability to support hematopoiesis.

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