Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research ›› 2012, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (13): 2427-2430.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.13.034

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Tissue engineering repair for femoral head necrosis

Long Teng-he, Cui Hui-qin, Li Tao   

  1. Department of Radiology, Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Liuzhou  545005, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
  • Received:2012-01-22 Revised:2012-02-22 Online:2012-03-25 Published:2012-03-25
  • Contact: 崔惠勤,女,硕士,主任医师,教授,硕士生导师,广西医科大学附属第四医院放射科,广西壮族自治区柳州市 545005
  • About author:Long Teng-he, Associate chief physician, Department of Radiology, Fourth Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Liuzhou 545005, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China


BACKGROUND: The development of tissue engineering technique changed the manner for treating bone defect. Because bone tissues are reproducible, more and more medical investigators paid a great attention on application of tissue engineering in treatment of femoral head necrosis.
OBJECTIVE: To summarize the tissue engineering repair manner of femoral head necrosis, and to explore the perspective of regenerative medicine in bone tissue engineering.
METHODS: We retrieved articles regarding tissue engineering techniques in repair of femoral head necrosis from aspects of frontier fields of tissue engineering, including stem cells, tissue construction and biomechanics, orthopedics biomaterial, artificial prosthetic replacement, bone graft transplantation published from January 2000 to December 2011. Repetitive or Meta analysis articles were excluded. A total of 30 representative articles were analyzed.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: With the progression of regenerative medicine, tissue engineering technique had been widely used in repair of femoral head necrosis, containing stem cells from different sources transplantation for treating femoral head necrosis, inflammatory factor and femora head necrosis, construction and biomechanical analysis of finite element model of femoral head necrosis, varied giant molecular organism bone scaffold in repair of femoral head necrosis, artificial bone implantation and artificial hip joint replacement. However, present tissue engineering in treatment of femoral head necrosis is still in animal experiment and empirical treatment levels.

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