Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research ›› 2010, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (47): 8881-8884.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2010.47.035

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Application of polypropylene patch in repair of abdominal wall incisional hernia

Guo Sheng-qi     

  1. Department of General Surgery, Public Health Center of Xuying Town, Huojia County, Xinxiang   453832, Henan Province, China
  • Online:2010-11-19 Published:2010-11-19
  • About author:Guo Sheng-qi, Attending physician, Department of General Surgery, Public Health Center of Xuying Town, Huojia County, Xinxiang 453832, Henan Province, China


BACKGROUND: How to repair large defects in abdominal wall is a frequently encountered clinical problem, many scholars have tried to repair using a variety of materials, but the clinical effect is not very satisfactory.
OBJECTIVE: To comprehensively analyze the literatures about the application of artificial polypropylene patch to repair the abdominal wall incisional hernia.
METHODS: A computer-based search of Pubmed database ( and Wanfang database ( between January 1991 and December 2009 was performed, by screening “patch, surgery, incisional hernia” in English and in Chinese as key words to search the titles and abstracts. Articles related to the artificial material polypropylene patch in repair of abdominal incisional hernia were selected, those recently published literatures or published in the authority journal were preferred in the same field. Eventually 28 articles met the criteria were involved.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The large abdominal wall defects often require clinical use of appropriate materials, in order to maintain muscle tension and shape of the abdominal wall. Polypropylene patch has good biocompatibility, and no wound infection, rejection and other complications occur after implantation, the patch is effective to prevent postoperative incisional hernia of free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap, while enhancing abdominal walll strength. Clinical studies have shown its good tissue compatibility, no rejection, certain resistance to infection, is the ideal material of hernia repair. Hernia repair using artificially synthetic materials is easy to operate, with less damage, quick recovery, low recurrence rate and few complications. The key of related study should focus on the increase of repair techniques, selection and development of the patch with great resistant to tensile strength, mild inflammation, and high compliance.

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