Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research ›› 2010, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (30): 5601-5604.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2010.30.022

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Reconstruction of a three-dimensional solid model of Mini-SG® attachment in 3DMAX

Dong Zheng-jie1, Wang De-fang1, Xu Kan2, Bao Xiang-jun1   

  1. 1 Shanghai Stomatological Disease Center, Shanghai  200001, China; 2 Department of Prosthodontics, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai  200011, China
  • Online:2010-07-23 Published:2010-07-23
  • Contact: Wang De-fang, Associate chief physician, Shanghai Stomatological Disease Center, Shanghai 200001, China
  • About author:Dong Zheng-jie★, Master, Attending physician, Shanghai Stomatological Disease Center, Shanghai 200001, China


BACKGROUND: Mini-SG ® attachment is a kind of extra-coronal precision attachment, which is characterized by strong retention, good stability, aesthetics and comfort, as well as protecting the abutment. However, it is difficult to make a precise three-dimensional (3-D) solid model though conventional CT due to its precise and tiny structure. Although the precision can reach 1 μm using Micro-CT, it encounters the huge workload, time-consuming and hard sledding, also with radiation damage from X-ray.
OBJECTIVE: To reconstruct 3-D solid model of Mini-SG® attachment.
METHODS: According to the actual exact size of Mini-SG® attachment positive components and negative components obtained from network and measurement with vernier caliper, the 3-D solid model of Mini-SG® attachment was reconstructed with 3DMAX software in computer.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The precise 3-D solid model of Mini-SG® attachment has been reconstructed according to existing or measurable precise data through the use of boolean calculation with 3DMAX software. Accordingly, an accurate 3D model of an oral prosthesis like attachment, implant as long as their accurate data can be acquired.

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